Credit to those who listed these cheats in their original post.
Round of applause.
NOTE: Type in the cheat while the Level Window is active. Please be reminded that these cheats will disable saving, and that codes from Classic SMBX can be used in SMBX 2.0.
SMBX 2.0 CHEATS (Beta 3+)
These cheats are included in SMBX 2.0 by Horikawa Otane. These can also be used in Mario Challenge. (Listed in order of appearance from
instantswitch - The P-Switch effect is activated for a set amount of time.
murder - The screen shakes and all enemies are killed on-screen. No score is produced.
boomtheroom - The POW Block effect is activated. All enemies are killed on-screen and all coins drop from their respective places.
jumpman - Same effect as ahippinandahoppin.
holytrinity - Activates the effects of "shadowstar", "ahippinandahoppin/jumpman", and "donthurtme".
theessentials - Activates the effects of "shadowstar", "ahippinandahoppin/jumpman", "donthurtme", and "sonicstooslow".
getdown - Pushes the player 5 blocks down, can be useful when you're trapped with "shadowstar".
liveforever - Increases number of lives to 99 (max)
launchme - Launches the player to the top of the level. It would be interrupted if the player hits a ceiling.
rinkamania - If a fireball/iceball disappears or an enemy is killed in any way, a Rinka will spawn.
jumpforrinka - Every time a player jumps, a Rinka will spawn.
rinkamadness - Rinkas will spawn everywhere.
dressmeup - Changes the costume of the player.
undress - Removes the player's costume.
thestarmen - Enables the effect of the Starman powerup (temporary invincibility)
superfightingrobot - Changes your character to Mega Man if you're playing as someone else.
eternalgreed - Changes your character to Wario if you're playing as someone else.
kingofthekoopas - Changes your character to Bowser if you're playing as someone else.
dreamtraveler - Changes your character to Klonoa if you're playing as someone else.
bombingrun - Changes your character to Ninja Bomberman if you're playing as someone else.
metalgear - Changes your character to Snake if you're playing as someone else.
ocarinaoftime - Changes your character to Zelda if you're playing as someone else.
densenuclearenergy - Changes your character to Ultimate Rinka if you're playing as someone else.
hardmode - Changes your character to Princess Rinka if you're playing as someone else.
unclesam - Changes your character to Uncle Broadsword if you're playing as someone else.
imtiny - Changes your character to Juni if you're playing as someone else.
samusisagirl - Changes your character to Samus if you're playing as someone else.
cosmicpower - Changes your character to Rosalina if you're playing as someone else.
horikawaisradicola - All sounds are replaced with a "YAH!" noise and the player will also be in a boot for the rest of the level. Jumping out of it will spawn another boot.
worldpeace - Makes all effects spawned fly up with a "YAH!" noise.
suicide - The player will instantly lose a life and an explosion in place of the player will destroy nearby blocks and kill enemies like a bomb.
Here is a list of all the cheats in Classic SMBX.
Debug cheats
These cheats are good for debugging levels and episodes.
shadowstar - Turns you into Black Mario, you can go through walls in this state.
wherearemycarkeys - Spawns a Key in your hands (use in a Keyhole).
stickyfingers - You can grab any NPC with this (enables Grab All).
moneytree - Coins cound go up very quick, giving you a lot of 1-UPs.
donthurtme - Makes you invincible (enables God Mode).
stophittingme - Hits the player. Can kill you. Useful when you want to be hit or killed without turning the donthurtme cheat off temporarily.
wingman - Makes flying power-ups (Raccoon, Tanooki, Fairy Link, Gold Link) and Yoshis fly without limits.
sonicstooslow - Makes the player run really fast.
ahippinandahoppin - Unlimited jumping, you can jump in the air.
framerate - Shows your framerate on the top-left part of the game's screen. This doesn't turn off the ability to save.
istillplaywithlegos - Resets all Blocks/Tiles in the level.
speeddemon - sets Max FPS on (fast forward).
Item cheats (Item Stock)
These cheats spawn the item in question in your Item Stock (the item box). You'll have to catch the grabbable items in the air after dropping them from the box.
needashell - Spawns a green Koopa Shell in your Item Stock.
needaredshell - Spawns a red Koopa Shell in your Item Stock.
needablueshell - Spawns a blue Koopa Shell in your Item Stock.
needayellowshell - Spawns a yellow Koopa Shell in your Item Stock.
needaturnip - Spawns an SMB2 turnip in your Item Stock.
needa1up - Spawns a 1-up (Extra life) in your Item Stock.
needatanookisuit - Spawns a Tanooki Suit in your Item Stock.
needahammersuit - Spawns a Hammer Suit in your Item Stock.
needamushroom - Spawns a Mushroom in your Item Stock.
needaflower - Spawns a Fire Flower in your Item Stock.
needaleaf - Spawns a Leaf Power-up in your Item Stock.
needanegg - Spawns an empty Yoshi Egg in your Item Stock.
needaplant - Spawns a Toothie in your Item Stock.
needagun - Spawns a Billy Gun in your Item Stock.
needaswitch - Spawns a P-Switch in your Item Stock.
needaclock - Spawns a green Stopwatch in your Item Stock.
needabomb - Spawns an SMB2 Bomb in your Item Stock.
needashoe - Spawns Kuribo's Shoe in your Item Stock.
needaredshoe - Spawns Podoboo's Shoe in your Item Stock.
needablueshoe - Spawns Lakitu's Shoe in your Item Stock.
needaniceflower - Spawns an Ice flower in your Item Stock.
Item cheats (hands)
These cheats spawn the item in question in your hands. If you're not holding the run/alt run key, the player will release the item in one second.
boingyboing - Spawns an SMW Springboard in your hands.
bombsaway - Spawns an SMB2 Bomb in your hands.
firemissiles - Spawns a Bullet Bill in your hands.
powhammer - Spawns a Pow Block in your hands.
hammerinmypants - Spawns a Hammer Brother in your hands, that throws hammers to kill enemies.
rainbowrider - Spawns a rideable Rainbow Shell in your hands.
upandout - Spawns a Propeller Block in your hands.
burnthehousedown - Spawns a Flamethrower in your hands.
Yoshi cheats
These cheats spawn the Yoshi Egg in question in your hands.
greenegg - Spawns a Green Yoshi Egg in your hands.
blueegg - Spawns a Blue Yoshi Egg in your hands.
yellowegg - Spawns a Yellow Yoshi Egg in your hands.
redegg - Spawns a Red Yoshi Egg in your hands.
blackegg - Spawns a Black Yoshi Egg in your hands.
purpleegg - Spawns a Purple Yoshi Egg in your hands.
pinkegg - Spawns a Pink Yoshi Egg in your hands.
coldegg - Spawns an Ice Yoshi Egg in your hands.
Player cheats
These are the player based cheats.
1player - Enables 1-player mode. (Also kills all your clones if used supermario2, supermario4 and up, if there are clones alive).
2player - Enables 2-player mode.
itsamemario - Changes your character to Mario if you're playing as someone else.
itsameluigi - Changes your character to Luigi if you're playing as someone else.
anothercastle - Changes your character to Toad if you're playing as someone else.
ibakedacakeforyou - Changes your character to Peach if you're playing as someone else.
iamerror - Changes your character to Link if you're playing as someone else.
Clone cheats
These cheats will make clones of you.
supermario128 - Makes 128 clones of the player.
supermario64 - Makes 64 clones of the player.
supermario32 - Makes 32 clones of the player.
supermario16 - Makes 12 clones of the player.
supermario8 - Makes 8 clones of the player.
supermario4 - Makes 4 clones of the player.
supermario2 - You can control 2 different characters with this, hold down and press the "Drop item" assigned key to switch playing character.
World map cheats
These cheats only work on the world map.
imtiredofallthiswalking - Shows you all paths and levels.
illparkwhereiwant - Lets you walk anywhere you want.
Miscellaneous cheats
Most of these cheats were made just for fun.
wetwater - The level you're in becomes a water level, meaning you can swim everywhere.
wariotime - Turn all enemies in screen into coins.
captainn - Allows you to stop time by pressing the pause button (Does not work if "Pause" is set on the "Esc" key).
flamethrower - Fire Flower, Ice Flower and Hammer Bro Suit shoots much faster.
fairymagic - Makes your character turn into a fairy.
iceage - Freezes all surrounding enemies.
itsrainingmen - 1-UPs rain.
donttypethis - Just don't.
Cheats that don't exist
These cheats have been claimed to exist on some SMBX cheat threads, but they really don't.
lavaplayer - Makes the player able to swim in lava.
thedoorsunlockednow - Unlocks all the doors.
Defunct Cheats
These cheats appear to be defunct to their specified versions of Classic SMBX, and SMBX2
wherearemycarkeys - Defunct in SMBX2, as when typing the cheat, nothing happens.
imtiny - Completely removed from the game in SMBX2 Beta 4, reason unknown.
hardmode - Doesn't work anymore in SMBX2 Beta 4, but still playable via. the character block in the editor.