Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (2024)

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (1)

New year, new energy, and new manifestations coming in hot!

It’s time to create your 2024 Vision Board and you’ve come to the right place.

Creating a vision board to help you manifest your biggest dreams and desires happens to be one of my specialties!

As an Award Winning Manifestation Coach who has helped hundreds of 1:1 clients and over 400+ students manifest their deepest desires including;

➤ Love, marriage and their soulmate (after being single for years)

➤ Money - $250k salaries, $200k in under 2 months, $50k unexpected income, $35k in new biz, manifesting a successful business

➤ Weight Loss - 10kg, 20 pounds, 5kg (in 2 weeks), 120 pounds! (when all past diets had failed)

➤ Pregnancies (when they were told it would be “hard” or “difficult”.

➤ Social Media Success - 1 million TikTok views overnight, 7 Million IG Tik Tok views, 45k Followers

And more (see manifestation success stories here)…

The best part?

Whenever I’m working with a new manifestation client or student the very first thing we do is create a new vision board because this acts as the FOUNDATION for the rest of their manifestation practice and everything they want to attract.

Imagine your vision board as the architectural blueprint of your dreams…

When you carefully select the right images, words, and intentions and arrange them thoughtfully, you're essentially constructing the blueprint of your future reality.

Just as an architect plans EVERY detail to ensure the building's success, you must design your vision board in the right way to manifest your desires successfully.

And in this post I am going to provide you with steps on how to create your 2024 vision board!

Before I dive into the post I want to let you know that I have a Free Online Vision Board Workshop where I go DEEP into the inner workings of a powerful vision board PLUS how I used them to manifest:

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights, ✈️

➤ A Fully Booked Coaching Business (without spending any money on FB Ads or marketing!),

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I had on my vision board)

➤ My soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight)

➤ A 6 Month (all expenses paid trip to Bali) and more…

Click here to join me and watch.

*These secrets are different to what I’ll be sharing in this post so if you want your 2024 vision board to be extra magnetic, make sure you watch the training.

One student manifested $40k just from watching the training….

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (3)


First things first, let’s talk about what a 2024 Vision Board is and why it's such a powerful tool for helping you to set your intentions for the year ahead.

As a Manifestation Coach I am a firm believer that the best time to create a vision board is whenever it intuitively feels right for you.

Because often those feelings bubbling up inside is the universe trying to create THROUGH you and your intuition prompting you that it’s time to get your ideas out on paper about what you want to manifest and create (and gosh it feels good to do!).

That being said, lots of people do feel called to do this during the New Year period and there are LOTS of benefits to this.

For example:

Reflection and New Clarity - when you finish a year you often reflect on what was and therefore get clearer on what you do want in the coming year.

Renewed Motivation - there’s nothing like the start of a new year to bring a fresh dose of motivation towards achieving your goals.

New Energy and Vibration - Numerologically with the start of a new calendar year you will enter into a new numerology year which brings a new type of energy and vibration.

And these are just some examples!

The most important thing to be aware of is the when you create a vision board you are putting the Law of Attraction and manifestation into action by allowing yourself to:

➤ Focus - on your goals and desires.

➤ Feel - those desires as real (which activates the Law of Attraction.

➤ Change your Frequency - to become a vibrational match to what you want.

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How To Create Your 2024 Vision Board - A Step By Step Guide

Step 1. Reflect On 2023 (And Celebrate)

It's easy to want to jump into the new year, set new goals and intentions without giving much thought (or celebration) to the year that’s passed.

The problem with this is, sometimes we do this hoping that “next year will be better”.

While this can be true, from a manifestation perspective, if you can’t appreciate where you’ve been, what you’ve created and come to a place of PEACE within yourself…

You will take your energy with you into the following year and end up attracting similar situations and circ*mstances.

For this reason, before you jump into creating your 2024 Vision Board it's important to take TIME to reflect on 2023, celebrate what did go right and appreciate those things you felt didn’t go right for what they might have taught you.

This will help you find PEACE where you are and will be the perfect vibrational slate to start thinking about what you want to manifest in 2024!

For me, one thing I learnt in 2023 was the power of stepping through fear and the rewards the universe brings you when you do this.

“Manifestation is amplified when you take action where you feel guided regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you feel.”

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (5)

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (6)

Step 2. Get Clear On What You Want To Manifest In 2024

Once you’ve spent your time reflecting and celebrating 2023, it's time to get clear on what you want to manifest in 2024.

In order to make your vision board as powerful as possible try and go beyond “ego” based manifestations and tap into what your heart and soul truly desires.

Start by breaking your manifestation into categories like; money, health, family, career etc so you can streamline your thoughts.

Think about what you want in each area and how it will make you feel…

➤ What are your goals?

➤ What are your intentions?

➤ What would fulfill you the most?

Then you need to decide which areas are most important to focus on for your board.

Contrary to what other manifestation resources say, I don’t recommend using your vision board to depict goals in EVERY single area of your life as your energy can become too scattered when you look at it.

This defeats the purpose of manifestation because you aren’t focused enough therefore your energy and vibration isn’t impacted as deeply.

If you want to learn how many areas to focus on as well as tapping into your soul's desires vs ego based manifestations I talk about this inside my Free Vision Board Workshop.

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Step 3. Gathering Materials

Once you’ve finalized what you’re going to put on your board it's time to gather materials!

Some people prefer to create digital vision boards using a program like Canva - you can read how I do that here in this post.

But for the purposes of this guide I am going to explain the benefits of creating a hard copy board.

Digital vision boards are great for when you’re traveling or don’t want anyone to see what you’re working on, but I always find hard copy boards to be the most powerful.

This is because…

Firstly, I find that digital boards can get less attention (particularly if they’re on your desktop and covered in files!). Secondly, the more CONNECTED you are to your goals and manifestations the more FEELINGS you will produce which is what changes your energy and vibration and gets manifestation and the Law of Attraction to work for you!

So, what do you need to create a hard copy board?

You will need:

➤ Images that depict your goals - your can find these online, in magazines, Pinterest etc *It's very important to get this part right as the images will dictate how you respond energetically.

➤ Affirmations, quotes or printed words/intentions - I have a full resource of vision board quotes here.

➤ Cardboard - a large sheet

➤ Glue, Scissors, Bluetack

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (8)

Step 4. Assembling Your Board

Now for the fun part… Assembling your board!

One trick that I like to use to make my board more aesthetically pleasing (loving the way your board looks is important) is to choose a variety of images, cut them all out, rearrange them on the board until I find the combination that works - just right!

I will usually group images together that relate to the same/similar manifestations so that when I am visualizing myself as this person - visualizing my highest self - it's easier to get into the correct feeling vibration. *See picture of one of my vision boards below…

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (9)

I always get a feeling of COMPLETION like I know I have chosen the right images in the right layout with words, quotes and affirmations that relate to my goals and manifestation filtered throughout.

Just like the picture of my vision board above!

Do you wish you could create beautiful vision boards like this one 👆🏼 with incredibly deep meaning and feeling?

What I am teaching you in this post is just the tip of the iceberg of what I teach on vision boards. I go much deeper inside my Free Vision Board Workshop which you can watch here.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (10)

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (11)

Step 5. Infusing Positive Energy

When you have the layout done you can infuse positive energy into your board using the power of your intention and tools like crystals.

To use your intention you can simply look at each image and imagine how grateful you will be when that has become your reality.

Close your eyes, feel into each image and what it will be like when it happens…

Give each manifestation and goal your time and attention. Carefully connect to the energy of the end result and hold the vibration for 17 seconds.

To use crystals, make sure you cleanse and charge each crystal first, then, lay them out on top of the images on your board and program them to help you manifest your desires.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (12)

Step 6. Placement and Daily Affirmation

Once you have your board looking as good as you possibly can and you’ve infused it with positive energy, it's time to find somewhere to put it!

My recommendation is that your place is somewhere private where you will look at it often for example an office or bedroom.

You want it somewhere you will look at it multiple times a day so you can reap the energetic benefits of seeing it and feeling into the images.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (13)

You also want it somewhere private as it's best not to disclose your manifestations to anyone who does not support your goals 100%. Their energy can affect you which will quickly throw you off course and impact what you’re trying to achieve.

Treat your manifestations like a new baby in the womb and only tell people when they are developed enough!

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (14)

Step 7. Daily Practice With Your 2024 Vision Board

One thing that can be helpful is to come up with a specific daily practice that involves your board.

For example, you might decide to place your vision board in your bedroom and carve out time each night to: gaze at the images, feel into the energy, and recite specific affirmations to help you call in your desires.

This can be really beneficial as your brain is a more receptive state prior to sleep which can increase your chances of manifesting!

Just be mindful that you’re not in a pushy energy, trying too hard with your manifesting as this will take you out of the energy of SURRENDER.

You never want to feel like you’re CHASING after what you want.

You must be relaxed to manifest! 🍃

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (15)

Vision Board And Visualization Success Stories

So, what types of things can you manifest with your vision board?

Below are some screenshots from my clients and students who used my vision board techniques to help them manifest some of their biggest desires!

Elizabeth manifested: releasing 1 million equity in her home, receiving over $3k rental income, the exact goal weight she had on her vision board - 59.6kg, sold her apartment for a record price of $875k (she had $800k plus on her board) the sports car on her vision board the became free due to all the additional income she received!

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Serena manifested the man and relationship of her dreams and her ideal body in her 40’s!

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (17)

Chalene manifested over $40k unexpected income!

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (18)

Caroline manifested a promotion, a pay rise, a diamond ring and the money to buy a Range Rover Evoque!

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (19)

And it alllll started with getting their vision board right from the very beginning!

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Tips For Overcoming Challenges And Getting The Best Results

It's natural to feel totally elated when you first create your board and then to experience energies like fear and doubt (from time to time).

For example: perhaps you get a job interview and are all excited that your manifestation is coming true, then all of a sudden, it falls through the cracks, leaving you feeling totally disappointed 💔

You may even start questioning yourself and your ability to manifest!

This happens in manifestation and it's often just a sign that there is more inner work for you to do to become a vibrational match to what you’ve asked for, and be an energetic container that can HOLD the frequency of your new manifestation.

And while I have an entire manifestation course dedicated to this subject, that teaches you how to do this, here are some tips you can implement right now.

Tip 1. Focus On What You Do Have, Not What You Don’t Have

Whenever you feel discouraged by what you don’t have, choose to SHIFT your focus and think about the things that HAVE manifested for you.

Write them down in a journal.

Put ticks ✔️ on your board on the images of the things that you have manifested.


Focusing on what you don’t have only puts you in a vibration of lack making it harder to manifest.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (21)

Tip 2. Work On Becoming The Person On Your Vision BoarD

It’s not simply enough to IMAGINE you’re the person on your vision board you also need to become them.

Make sure your thoughts, actions and habits align with the person you want to be.

Ask yourself…

〰️⁠ Does the person on your vision board go to the gym every morning?

〰️⁠ Do they meditate?

〰️⁠ Are they calm and centered?

〰️⁠ How do they treat people?

〰️⁠ What's their money mindset like?

〰️⁠ What do they eat?

〰️⁠ How do they take care of themselves?

This is the work you need to be doing CONSISTENTLY to become a vibrational match to what you’ve asked for.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (22)

Tip 3. Community And Support

When you’re becoming a new and improved version of yourself it's important that you are SUPPORTED.

Like any successful endeavor there will be ups and downs and moments that test your strength…

This is the universe's way of seeing if you’re really ready for what you’ve asked for!

And it’s where it can be helpful to have a community of like minded people who are also on a journey of improving themselves.

Ideally ones who love the idea of creating a vision board then you can compare, share stories and support each other!

You might find people like this in: social media groups, self-development workshops, gathering friends or family members who are interested in goal setting and/or manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

Inside my manifestation course The Surrender Approach we have a private Facebook Community of like minded, high vibrational, manifestors where they can share their vision board and receive support and feedbck.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (23)

If this interests you, you can learn more about the program here.

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (24)


Creating a vision board for your 2024 goals, desires and intentions provides you with a number of benefits to help you achieve your manifestations.

But, there it comes with a caveat!

Just like an architect meticulously plans EVERY detail to ensure the building's success, you must design your vision board in the right way to manifest your desires successfully.

➤ Spend time getting crystal clear on what you want,

➤ Choose soul based desires that will deeply fulfill you rather than ego,

➤ Narrow your focus to just the right amount of goals so your energy isn’t scattered when you look at it,

➤ Infusing it with positive energy using your intention and tools like crystals,

➤ Lastly, create your daily vision board routine!

Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (25)

As always I hope you enjoyed this post and it helps you create your 2024 vision board with ease.

Juliette xx

PS Don’t forget to check out my Free Vision Board Workshop if you want to supercharge your manifestation results this year!

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Creating Your 2024 Vision Board: Manifesting Success, Health, and Abundance (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.