EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (2024)

The BEST BAKED MINI Sweet Potato Casserole with BROWN SUGAR Pecan Topping! This easy Southern recipe uses BAKED sweet potatoes to really bring out the flavor! There is a delicious brown sugar pecan crumble on top! I love baking these as mini casseroles as it’s a beautiful presentation at Thanksgiving dinner and everyone gets to eat their own! You can even make these ahead of time and heat up!

Next year we are growing sweet potatoes in the garden because this year I finally fell in love with them in the kitchen! You might have seen my creamy Sweet Potato soup last week,well now I’m back with a Sweet Potato Casserole in Mini individual size!

Mini Sweet Potato Casserole

TheseMINI Sweet Potato Casseroles With Brown Sugar Pecan Topping are so cute and so delicious! Everyone gets to eat their own mini casserole so they’re going to be a hit at the next holiday dinner!
EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (1)

Let’s talk sweet potatoes first, ok? The way to bring out the flavor of sweet potatoes isn’t by boiling them, but by baking them! Trust me on this! If you did a taste test with a boiled and baked sweet potato, and then mashed it, you would absolutely agree that the baked sweet potato is SO much better!

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

So for this recipe, we’re going to bake the sweet potatoes first before mashing for the casserole. Yes, I know, it’s one additional step, but it’s WORTH IT! I would never make you do more work if the pay off wasn’t big!

To bake the sweet potatoes preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Grab your sweet potatoes and pierce them with a fork a few times (fun holiday stress activity!). Place the sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet and bake for 90 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the oven. Hold the sweet potatoes with a potholder (they’re hot!) and the potato will pop right out of it’s skin.

Discard the skin. Use a potato masher or hand mixer to mash the sweet potatoes. It’s that easy! Once your sweet potatoes are baked then we’re ready to begin making these mini casseroles! If you’re worried about the extra 90 minutes of baking time, you could bake these sweet potatoes a day in advance so they’re all ready for you!

EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (2)

Sweet Potato Caserole With Pecans

These mini casseroles are so rich with flavor thanks to the butter, sugar (white and brown!), cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg! Close your eyes and think of how great they smell! Yup, that amazing! And with the pecans – they’re even more yummy!

Healthy Sweet Potato Casserole

The mini casserole dishes I use are 6 ounce in sizes which are perfect for individual portions. I always feel like guests really appreciate individual casseroles during the holidays so it adds to the holiday spirit of showing loved ones how special they are to you!

Also, this prevents you from eating half of a pecan pie! These single portions are much more healthy for you, and leaves you room to enjoy other desserts if they’re on the table! 😉

EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (3)

Enjoy theseMINI Sweet Potato Casseroles With Brown Sugar Pecan Topping!

Looking for more Sweet Potato Recipes? Try my Sweet Potato Cookies and Sweet Potato Soup!

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EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (4)

EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (5)

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Mini Sweet Potato Casserole With Pecan Topping


The BEST BAKED MINI Sweet Potato Casseroles! This easy Southern recipe uses BAKED sweet potatoes to really bring out the flavor! There is a delicious brown sugar pecan crumble on top! I love baking these as mini casseroles as it's a beautiful presentation at Thanksgiving dinner and everyone gets to eat their own! You can even make these ahead of time and heat up!

By: Pamela Reed

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes minutes

Total Time 40 minutes minutes


  • 2 large BAKED sweet potatoes see directions below
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons butter room temperature
  • 1/4 cup evaporated milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter room temperature
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans


  • Baked potatoes really bring out the flavor for this casserole! To bake the sweet potatoes preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Grab your sweet potatoes and pierce them with a fork a few times. Place the sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet and bake for 90 minutes. Remove from the oven. Hold the sweet potatoes with a potholder (they're hot) and the potato will pop right out of it's skin. Discard the skin. Use a potato masher or hand mixer to mash the sweet potatoes.

  • Turn down your oven to 325 degrees, the temperature we need for the casseroles.

  • In a large bowl mix sweet potatoes, sugar, egg, salt, butter, evaporated milk, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

  • Spray 6 mini casserole dishes with nonstick spray. Pour sweet potato mixture into each dish, about 3/4 of the way filled.

  • In a small bowl mix brown sugar and flour. Add room temperature butter and mix until you have a crumbly topping. Add pecans and stir. Sprinkle this mixture on top each of each sweet potato casserole.

  • Bake for 30 minutes.Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes before serving.


The mini casserole dishes I use are 6 ounce size.

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Sweet Potato Casserole


Did you make this?I love seeing what you’ve made! Tag me on Instagram at @BrooklynFarmGirl and don’t forget to leave a comment & rating below.

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EASY Mini Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe With Pecan Topping (2024)


How do you keep sweet potato casserole from being runny? ›

Eggs and cream help stabilize the dish and prevent it from becoming too runny (a common complaint with many sweet potato casserole recipes). Make it as smooth or chunky as you like!

What are the ingredients in Savannah classics sweet potato casserole? ›

INGREDIENTS: Sweet Potatoes, Sugar, Water, Brown Sugar, Praline (sugar, pecans, butter cream, natural flavoring, corn syrup, salt), Liquid Margarine (soybean oil, water, vegetable mono & diglycerides, salt, natural flavor (includes milk), Vitamin A palmitate added, Vitamin D3).

Why add eggs to sweet potato casserole? ›

The egg is the all-important binder in a sweet potato casserole: it enriches and stiffens the mixture without making it heavy. Make sure to cool the mash slightly before adding the egg so it doesn't scramble, and to stir well so there are no streaks of cooked egg white in the finished dish.

How do you thicken sweet potato casserole? ›

The casserole needs at least 15-20 minutes to cool before serving. The casserole sets up as it cools. However, if you prefer a really thick sweet potato casserole, you can add about 2-3 tablespoons of flour to your sweet potato batter and this will help the mixture to thicken.

What is the liquid coming out of my baked sweet potato? ›

The ooze is actually referred to as "sap." It is made up of sugar and starch combined with the moisture found in the vegetable, and it escapes out of the damage made from the knife. The sap really equals the sweetness. If it's pouring out of your potato, that means it's a sweet and delicious vegetable.

How do you make sweet potatoes less watery? ›

How can I thicken it? The solution for watery casseroles is instant potato mash powder or cornflour - slake (mix with a little water) at first or it will go lumpy. Stir well. Alternatively, don't add so much water at first, especially if you're using a slow cooker.

What is in Publix sweet potato casserole? ›

Sweet Potatoes, Sugar, Milk (milk, Vitamin D), Water, Brown Sugar, Eggs, Wheat Flour, Pecans, Modified Cornstarch, Natural Vanilla Extract, Salt, Canola Oil, Natural Butter Flavor (whey Powder, Salt, Natural Flavor), Ascorbic Acid.

Are canned sweet potatoes and yams the same thing? ›

Are Yams and Sweet Potatoes the Same? No, yams and sweet potatoes are not the same. Yams have rough, dark brown skin that is often compared to tree bark, and their flesh is dry and starchy like a regular potato. Sweet potatoes have smooth reddish skin, softer flesh (when cooked), and a sweet flavor.

What is the purpose of adding a topping to a casserole? ›

In fact, if we're trying to lighten up a casserole, concentrating on the topping is a good way to add flavor and texture without a lot of extra calories.

What makes sweet potatoes taste better? ›

Freeze Time for Sweeter Sweet Potatoes

So if you want a sweet, sweet potato, you have to cook it until it reaches 135–170°F (57–77°C). And you want to keep sweet potatoes in that range for as long as possible. That will maximize how sweet the potatoes taste.

How do you make a casserole taste better? ›

Fresh herbs or citrus zest can also punch up flavors with a bit of welcome brightness for a long-cooked dish, as can adding some heat in the form of a dash of hot sauce, a generous pinch of minced or sliced fresh chili pepper, or a shake of red pepper flakes.

Why is my sweet potato casserole mushy? ›

(Another hot tip if you're boiling your sweet potatoes: Don't overcook them! They tend to absorb water, which could make the filling watery.) So, say you do have some undercooked bits of sweet potato. You have two choices: Pick them out or bake your sweet potato casserole long enough to soften the underdone pieces.

How to tell when sweet potato casserole is done? ›

Sprinkle the topping evenly over the sweet potato mixture, then pop it into the oven and let it bake for 40 to 45 minutes. You will know it's done when the topping is lightly browned and the center of your casserole is set and firm.

Why are my oven sweet potatoes soggy? ›

Ensure that the fries are evenly spaced out on a parchment-lined baking sheet so that they aren't touching. If the fries are touching, they will steam rather than bake, which leads to soggy, sad fries. The parchment paper prevents the fries from sticking to the sheet.

How do you make a casserole less runny? ›

Thicken a meat casserole the most popular way with flour.

Add some flour to your pan after you've browned the meat and before adding any liquid. This way, the flour will soak up the juices and fat in the pan. Add about one teaspoon of flour at a time until you get the right thickness.

How do you keep sweet potato mash from getting watery? ›

If you just want them lumpier, that's just a matter of less mashing and less moisture - whether in the form of butter, yogurt or milk. Try draining the potatoes better next time And don't over beat/ blend but if you want to thicken them up Try some Wondra quick mix flour, corn starch Or some breadcrumbs .

What do I do if my potato bake is too runny? ›

Try letting the dish rest for 10 minutes or so to let the water get absorbed and let the sauce thicken. Try cooking your recipe longer.

How do you thicken potato casserole? ›

1 teaspoon of corn starch to 1 cup of casserole liquid, mxi it well and add it to the casserole. Give a good stir and when it bubbles a bit it will thicken.


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