Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Explore Psychology (2024)

According to Gardner’s theory, there are eight different intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Each of these intelligences represents a unique way of processing information and solving problems.

While conventional views of human intelligence focus on an individual’s intellectual potential, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests that intelligence is more than just a single general mental ability. First introduced by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, the theory suggests that people may possess different forms of intelligence.

In other words, the theory suggests that there is more than one way to be intelligent. This article explores Gardner’s theory and how it compares to other theories. It also discusses the characteristics of each of the different types of multiple intelligences.

Table of Contents

Multiple Intelligences vs. General Intelligence

Intelligence research suggests that people possess a broad mental capacity that controls many cognitive abilities. Most modern intelligence tests are designed to measure this general intelligence and express it as a single number, or IQ score.

Cognitive factors that make up this general intelligence include fluid reasoning, working memory, visual-spatial processing, general knowledge, and quantitative reasoning.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that the traditional definition of intelligence is too limited and restricted. Instead, it suggests that people can be intelligent in ways not usually captured by IQ tests.

The 8 Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Explore Psychology (1)

Gardner originally proposed seven distinct forms of intelligence. An eighth intelligence was added in the mid-1990s.

The eight types of intelligence are:

  1. Musical-rhythmic intelligence
  2. Visual-spatial intelligence
  3. Verbal-linguistic intelligence
  4. Logical-mathematical intelligence
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
  6. Interpersonal intelligence
  7. Intrapersonal intelligence
  8. Naturalistic intelligence

Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence

People with high musical-rhythmic intelligence tend to be more sensitive to music, sounds, rhythms, and tones. They are often very good at playing music and may also enjoy singing or composing songs. They also enjoy musical performances and are good at understanding and identifying musical concepts such as timbre, harmony, pitch, and melody.

Career Options

People who have strong musical-rhythmic intelligence may enjoy music-related careers such as becoming a:

  • Singer
  • Musician
  • Composer
  • Music teacher
  • Sound engineer

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good at visualizing objects and spaces in their minds. They tend to be very good at navigating and following directions. They are also usually good at interpreting pictures, maps, and charts.

Those high in this type of intelligence often enjoy putting together puzzles, are good at recognizing patterns, and love the visual arts.

Career Options

People with great visual-spatial intelligence often excel at careers in art, engineering, architecture, and design.

Some good career options include:

  • Graphic designer
  • Painter
  • Interior designer
  • Architect
  • Pilot
  • Landscape designer
  • Photographer
  • Engineer
  • Surgeon
  • Sculptor

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

People who are strong in verbal-linguistic intelligence are good with language and words. They excel at writing, reading, and storytelling. Other skills include remembering things that they read and hear.

This type of intelligence is also marked by the ability to explain what they have learned to others. They are also skilled at persuading others and debating issues.

Career Options

People who have strong verbal-linguistic intelligence may excel in a career as a:

  • Writer
  • Journalists
  • Teachers
  • Lawyers
  • Speech-language therapist

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Those who are high in logical-mathematical intelligence are good with numbers. They excel at seeing patterns and relationships. They are also very good at thinking logically and conceptually. People with this type of intelligence are good at math and science. They also enjoy thinking about abstract, complex subjects.

Career Options

Careers that may appeal to people with logical-mathematical intelligence include:

  • Scientist
  • Mathematician
  • Engineer
  • Accountant
  • Computer programmer
  • Data analyst
  • Statistician

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

People with a lot of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have good coordination and are skilled at movement, action, and physical control. They are often very good at sports and dance.

People with this intelligence type tend to prefer hands-on activities and often enjoy making things. They also often prefer learning by doing rather than through reading or listening to lectures.

Career Options

Some of the careers that might appeal to people who have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence include:

  • Athlete
  • Actor
  • Carpenter
  • Dancer
  • Physical therapist

Interpersonal Intelligence

People who have a great deal of interpersonal intelligence are good at understanding and interacting with other people. They are in touch with other people’s emotions and moods. If you are strong in this area, you are probably good at understanding other people’s temperaments, motivations, and needs. This does not necessarily mean that you are an outgoing extrovert or group leader, but it does mean that you are good at empathizing and relating to others.

Career Options

If you have a great deal of interpersonal intelligence, you might want to consider a career as a:

  • Salesperson
  • Therapist
  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Manager

Intrapersonal Intelligence

People who have strong intrapersonal intelligence excel at introspection and self-reflection. They tend to be very aware of their own emotions, motivations, and feelings. They are also good at knowing their own strengths and weaknesses.

Career Options

People with strong intrapersonal intelligence often do well in fields that involve reflection and self-awareness, such as:

  • Philosopher
  • Poet
  • Writer
  • Scientist
  • Entrepreneur
  • Clergy person

Naturalistic Intelligence

This type of intelligence was not originally part of Gardner’s theory but was later suggested as part of the main eight intelligences. Gardner suggested that people with this type of intelligence are more connected to nature. They have a strong ecological awareness and enjoy spending time in the natural world and learning more about nature and other species.

Career Options

For people with a dominant sense of naturalistic intelligence, careers that might appeal include:

  • Biologist
  • Conservationist
  • Gardener
  • Farmer
  • Botonist
  • Geologist

Other Possible Intelligences

Gardner has also suggested that there may also be other intelligences as well. Some others that have been suggested include spiritual intelligence, moral intelligence, and existential intelligence.

Existential intelligence is a proposed addition to the original theory characterized by an ability to think philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are good at looking at the big picture. They have a strong sense of intuition and excel and thinking about the future. They enjoy thinking about the purpose of life and other deep, often philosophical or spiritual questions.

Job options that might appeal to someone with this type of intelligence include:

  • Counselor
  • Life coach
  • Psychologist
  • Pastor
  • Philosopher
  • Yoga instructor
  • Meditation guide
  • Motivational speaker

What Research Says About Multiple Intelligences

While Gardner’s theory has gained popularity, particularly in the field of education, the concept of multiple intelligences has been criticized and remains poorly supported by research.

One of the main criticisms of the theory centers on how Gardner defines intelligence. Many of the things that the theory labels as ‘intelligence,’ critics argue, are actually more related to personality traits, talents, and abilities.

One study found that the intelligences described by Gardner represent aspects of general intelligence and personality characteristics, cognitive abilities, and non-cognitive abilities.

Another study found that three of the multiple intelligences, musical, logical-mathematical, and visual-spatial intelligence, were positively correlated with IQ scores. The study also found that even children who scored low on IQ showed strengths in other forms of intelligence

While the concept of general intelligence and its measurement does not remain without controversy, research indicates that people do have an underlying mental ability that plays a role in performance on a variety of cognitive tasks.

Impact of Multiple Intelligences

The theory has received little acceptance and support in the field of psychology. In education, it is often misconstrued as learning styles, which suggests that children should receive instruction that is aligned with how they learn best.

While Gardner’s theory has not been well-validated through empirical research, it has continued to be popular for several reasons. In education, it is often used as a way to think about student strengths.

Gardner has suggested that the purpose of formal education should be to help people develop skills and find a job best suited to their strongest areas of intelligence.

Why Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence Is Important

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is important because it challenges the traditional view of intelligence as a single, unitary construct that can be measured by standardized tests. Gardner proposed that intelligence is not a singular ability. Instead, it conceptualized it as a combination of different abilities that are relatively independent of each other.

The importance of Gardner’s theory lies in its potential to broaden our understanding of what it means to be intelligent and how individuals can excel in different areas. This has significant implications for education. It suggests that teaching methods should be tailored to individual students’ strengths and learning styles instead of relying on traditional methods prioritizing linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence.

Gardner’s theory has also influenced fields beyond education, such as psychology, neuroscience, and business. For example, it has been used to inform the design of workplace environments and training programs that consider different types of intelligence.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is important because it challenges our assumptions about intelligence and encourages us to recognize and value the diversity of human potential.

Applying Multiple Intelligences to Your Own Life

You can utilize Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences in a variety of ways, both in your personal and professional life. Here are a few examples:

  1. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses: By identifying your dominant intelligences, you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you to make more informed decisions about your careers, hobbies, and personal goals.
  2. Tailoring your learning experiences: Teachers can use Gardner’s theory to design lessons and activities that appeal to a variety of intelligences. This can help you to better understand and retain information, and to develop skills in areas where you may not have previously excelled.
  3. Enhancing teamwork and collaboration: By recognizing and valuing different types of intelligence, teams can work more effectively together. For example, a team may benefit from having individuals with strong linguistic intelligence to write reports and individuals with strong interpersonal intelligence to manage conflicts and build relationships.
  4. Building self-awareness and empathy: Understanding the diversity of intelligences can help you to appreciate the strengths and perspectives of others. This can lead to greater empathy and understanding in personal and professional relationships.
  5. Pursuing new challenges: By identifying areas where you may be less strong, you can challenge yourself to develop new skills and broaden your horizons. This can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences can be a powerful tool for understanding and valuing the diversity of human potential. By incorporating this theory into your life, you can enhance your self-awareness and the effectiveness of your personal and professional relationships.


The idea of multiple intelligence has become popular, but there is a lack of scientific support for the theory. However, it can be helpful to think about your strengths and preferences, particularly when it comes to finding a career that you will enjoy. It is also important to remember that you may have more than one type of intelligence that describes you best.


Gardner H. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books; 1983

Gardner H. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic Books; 1999.

Singh Y, Makharia A, Sharma A, Agrawal K, Varma G, Yadav T. A study on different forms of intelligence in Indian school-going children. Ind Psychiatry J 2017;26:71-6. doi:10.4103/ipj.ipj_61_16

Sternberg RJ. Intelligence. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012;14(1):19–27. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2012.14.1/rsternberg

Visser BA, Ashton MC, Vernon PA. g and the measurement of multiple intelligences: a response to Gardner. Intelligence. 2006;34(5):507-510. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2006.04.006

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Explore Psychology (2024)


Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Explore Psychology? ›

This theory suggests human intelligence can be differentiated into the following modalities: visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic.

What is Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences? ›

The theory claims that human beings have different ways in which they process data, each being independent. The eight types of intelligence described by Gardner include: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic.

What is Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences ______? ›

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner (1993) argues that humans possess a number of distinct intelligences that manifest themselves in different skills and abilities. All human beings apply these intelligences to solve problems, invent processes, and create things.

What is the purpose of the multiple intelligence test? ›

The Multiple Intelligence Assessment does not produce an IQ score. It only serves to indicate an individual's strengths/potentials across all nine types of intelligence. By demonstrating the extent to which an individual possesses all nine types of intelligence, direction towards suitable paths can be decided.

What is the history of multiple intelligences? ›

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University and introduced in his groundbreaking work: Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q.

What is the concept of intelligence in psychology? ›

Intelligence in psychology refers to the mental capacity to learn from experiences, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one's environment. It includes skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, learning quickly, and understanding complex ideas.

How can multiple intelligences help the student? ›

It is important to remember that all children have their strengths in different areas and can build up other skills with time and practice. By promoting multiple intelligences, we create an inclusive learning environment that values diversity of abilities and promotes growth and development of each student as a whole.

What is the summary of Gardner's multiple intelligences theory quizlet? ›

His theory emphasizes that there are many different types of intelligence and each person can possess multiple of them in varying degrees. This theory is important as it highlights people's different strengths instead of having only one category of intelligence and one category determining if a person is smart or not.

What is elucidate Gardner's multiple intelligence? ›

He suggested that there are eight intelligences instead; linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist—and argued that existentialist intelligence is a possible ninth form.

What are the four main types of intelligence? ›

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Emotional Quotient (EQ) Social Quotient (SQ) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

What is the main point of multiple intelligence? ›

Multiple intelligences refers to a theory describing the different ways students learn and acquire information. These multiple intelligences range from the use of words, numbers, pictures and music, to the importance of social interactions, introspection, physical movement and being in tune with nature.

What does multiple intelligence emphasize? ›

Theory of multiple intelligence emphasize that
  • Intelligence in one domain ensures intelligence in all other domains.
  • There are several forms of intelligence.
  • There are no individual differences in intelligence.
  • Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can b measured only by objective tests.
Jul 31, 2024

What is the purpose of applying multiple intelligences activities? ›

The multiple intelligences theory is connected to multisensory learning, which teaches that children learn better with activities that involve more than one sense. [14] Engage your students' visual, tactile, auditory, and other senses to reach more students.

What is Howard Gardner's theory? ›

In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that people possess, Gardner theorizes that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences.

What are the benefits of Gardner's theory? ›

Because humans excel in different areas, Gardner's multiple intelligences theory can provide students with a better understanding of how they learn. When students are able to identify which type of multiple intelligence they use to learn material, they can adapt the information to their learning (Bilash, 2009).

What does multiple intelligences explains? ›

In short, this theory states that each person has different ways of learning and different intelligences they use in their daily lives. While some can learn very well in a linguistically-based environment (reading and writing), others are better taught through mathematical-logic based learning.

How many types of intelligence does Gardner propose? ›

Gardner's early work in psychology and later in human cognition and human potential led to his development of the initial six intelligences. Today there are nine intelligences, and the possibility of others may eventually expand the list.

What is the multiple factor theory of intelligence? ›

Howard Gardner suggested in his theory of multiple intelligences that intelligence is formed out of multiple abilities. He recognized eight intelligences: linguistic, musical, spatial, intrapersonal, interpersonal, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, and naturalist.

What is an example of interpersonal intelligence? ›

Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others' feelings and motives.


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