Steven Universe: Future - TV Tropes (2024)

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  • Steven can now drive.
  • That giant group shot of antagonistic characters.
    • Jasper seems to be back as a villain. Further confirmed in the first trailer, which has more villainous moments for Jasper.
    • The two Lapis Lazulis are quite sassy-looking.

Little Homeschool

  • Steven's now comfortable enough with himself to allow himself to get angry from time to time as shown by his snapping at Jasper, meaning he's not gonna just roll over and let people push him around anymore.

    Steven: I only came here because I felt bad for you, but all of this is your own fault! All the other Gems were corrupted by the Diamonds but, but you corrupted yourself just to win a fight! Which you lost! TO ME! No one's making you stay here all alone in the middle of nowhere ready to fight a war that's been over for years! Are you just gonna sit here for centuries, waiting for someone to give you a purpose!? Because I'm TRYING TO GIVE YOU ONE!

  • Steven fighting Jasper one on one. As Jasper points out, Steven may have defeated her before, but only alongside his friends. Yet Steven not only survives using his Stone Wall powers, the fight activates his Pink abilities, allowing him to land several Megaton Punches that knock Jasper through several trees and into the ground. Even Jasper is somewhat impressed by this.
    • There's also the moment where Steven throws Jasper into the air, launches himself straight up to punch her, summons his shield, and then bounces off it to hit Jasper over and over and over again in a move that could best be described as Maximum Steven.
    • Jasper straight up and obviously enjoys the battle (her telling Steven off for wanting to help others notwithstanding). She naturally looks at every opportunity to do her opponent in, but seeing her getting excited at Steven's first punch and laughing as he pummels her in the air before ending it off with "I didn't think you had it in you" really tells that she's having fun (in her own way) and starting to gain respect for Steven, especially with her giving him a couple of small compliments.
  • Special mention goes to Steven actually agreeing to fight Jasper, if it meant she would finally listen to what he had to say. And even when he activates his Pink Mode and lays Jasper out, at first he's concerned for her, but upon learning she's alright, he requests sparring with her in the future to learn more about his new offensive power. Steven at the beginning of the series would never willingly fight someone if he could avoid it, even if it was the best option, and would've been horrified at gaining such a destructive power. It goes to show how much he's grown since the beginning of the story.


  • After botching their attempt to rescue Andy and Snowflake Obsidian at first, Smoky Quartz immediately makes up for it by pulling off one of their most complex tricks yet: catching Andy and Snowflake Obsidian with a net formed from two of their yo-yo strings while hovering in the air using a third.
  • Smoky Quartz discovering that they have Super-Speed.
  • Amethyst turns out to be a lot better at helping the Gems and Beach City citizens than Steven, taking the time to talk to them and identifying their needs, and talking to the Beach City residents into giving the Gems jobs, solving two different problems at the same time.


  • The Pearls are trapped and about to be rejuvenated, and Steven can't get the Reef to stop the process. That's when the Pearls finally come to an understanding and manage to fuse, bursting out as Mega Pearl. She takes Pearl's Lady of War abilities up a notch, disabling or avoiding nearly all of the Reef's defensive mechanisms with astounding grace and agility. And when she finally gets entangled, she turns her fusion weapon (a combination of Pearl's spear and Volleyball's ribbon) into a drill to clear a path for Steven before throwing him after it so he can shut down the Reef.
  • The design of Mega Pearl is the ultimate tribute to one of the series' greatest inspirations, and a perfect summary of Pearl's character development.
  • Even though Mega Pearl steals the show, Steven plays his part well. He summons his shield while being thrown through the air and uses it as a skateboard when he lands so he can reach the Reef's control panel as quickly as possible.


  • When Aquamarine has him dangling By the Hair with Eyeball pulling her dagger on him, Greg manages to snatch away the dagger, then use it to cut off his own hair and escape.
  • Steven fights both Aquamarine and Eyeball by himself, in the process revealing that his Pink Mode can actually fly, rather than just hover, and it's a Curb-Stomp Battle in his favor until they manage to fuse.
  • Upon seeing Bluebird fighting Steven, the Crystal Gems fuse into Alexandrite and promptly squash her into the ground with one hand. Bonus points for how easily they handled Bluebird seeing as Alexandrite often suffered from The Worf Effect in her previous appearances, including against Aquamarine('s wand).
    • The fusion of Alexandrite this time is near-instantaneous, with Garnet simply touching Pearl and Amethyst to form her. This shows how in sync and stable each of the gems are now, especially compared to Eyeball and Aquamarine's hate-powered fusion.
      • Seeing steam coming out of Alexandrite's ears can tell the viewer that she is not taking any crap from Bluebird, especially when Eyeball and Aquamarine had threatened both Steven and Greg earlier.
  • At the end of the day, the moral of the episode is that not everyone wants to be redeemed. This is a big step for a series that has redeemed all its major antagonists.

Snow Day

  • Pearl shapeshifting for the first time since disguising herself as Rose Quartz.

    Pearl: The power of Steven Tag compels me!

  • Steven manages to keep away from the other Crystal Gems for some time while trying to avoid playing Steven Tag, especially impressive given that they form all their Fusions during their attempts to catch him.
  • The Gems finally manage to tag Steven by defusing from Alexandrite into all four component Gems (including Ruby and Sapphire). Steven blocks Amethyst, Pearl, and Ruby as they leap for him... but overlooks Sapphire entirely, pretty much walking right into her and getting tagged.

Why So Blue?

  • After Steven's methods fail to persuade the rogue Lapises, Lapis tries her way and goes to fight both of them alone. At first it doesn't seem to go so well for her... but then she stops holding back. She halts and dissipates their water sawblade without even having to gesture, summons a MASSIVE wave of that effortlessly smashes them to the ground, then makes a gigantic water clone of herself that prepares to impale the two Lapises. When she stopped holding back, it was instantly clear that these two are nowhere near being in her league. Fortunately, she stops herself before she does any real damage, but it's enough to terrify the other Lapises into complying with whatever she says.

    Lapis: Who's dull now? WHO'S PITIFUL NOW?!

Little Graduation

  • After all the show has done for increased non-hetero representation in western animation, it goes a step further with the introduction of the non-binary character Shep, played by actual non-binary actor Indya Moore, who is Sadie's new partner and perfectly accepted for who they are by seemingly everyone, not making any kind of deal about it.
  • You gotta give Shep props for easily breaking down Steven's issues in this episode into bite-sized chunks in the short time they've ever known them.

In Dreams

  • Once she realizes the depths of Steven's trauma and fears, Peridot instantly tells him to forget about Camp Pining Hearts, even calling herself a clod note, and fiercely assures him that she is here for him no matter what, CPH be damned. Considering her initial characterization, this is tremendous maturity on her part, and just what Steven needed.

Bismuth Casual

  • Bismuth giving Steven a talking to that gets him out of his own head, after so many episodes of him wallowing in it, and getting him to talk to Connie about what's bothering him.
  • Stevonnie's roller skating—all of it. Sour Cream even acknowledges how awesome it is when he immediately declares them the winner of the competition, but not before inviting anyone else to challenge them—which no one does.

Together Forever

  • Garnet casually unfuses so that Ruby and Sapphire can attend two separate events, and their dialog suggests that they do this regularly. Sure, they're both "Hopeless Romantics," but this still shows a lot of emotional growth given how in the past, they've been shown to barely be able to function on their own.
  • For decades, children's media has depicted romance and marriage between teenage characters as being acceptable and correct, especially for girls. It's refreshing to see Steven Universe, as usual, show something that is at once realistic and still heartwarming, with Connie (who is 15 to 16 years old at this point) making the very mature decision to reject Steven's marriage proposal, as much as she loves him, because they are both too young and she still wants to live her life.
  • Garnet, as usual, gives great life advice to Steven at the end. Again, this particular advice shows tremendous growth on her part.

    "Your soulmate is your complement, not your missing piece."

Growing Pains

  • Dr Maheswaren applying her knowledge as a doctor to come up with an accurate theory as to why Steven is swelling up randomly. Taking into account that she knows very little about gem physiology, and that Steven is a Half-Gem hybrid and the only one of his kind.
    • The fact that Dr. Maheswaren's diagnosis is a no nonsense, heads on way for a kid's show to tackle trauma and PTSD. It's a mature and realistic look at mental health that few shows, let alone one for children, ever attempt.
  • When Steven's body starts freaking out and becomes a physical danger to the people around him, neither Connie nor Dr Maheswaren leave his side. One is his best friend, the other is his doctor. And you can finally tell where Connie gets her courage from.


  • For the fans who wished that Steven Universe were more like a shonen series and had better fight scenes, this episode delivers. Combining his flight, speed, strength, super mode, and using his shields as projectiles/ki blasts, Steven manages to decisively outfight Jasper (aka the gem who's been a thorn in the CG's side since Season 1) and curb stomp her into the dirt.
  • As horrifying as it is, Steven's Super Saiyan moment when fighting Jasper is awe-inspiring. This is the power that he has held back, and it's enough to shatter a gem.
  • Possibly for the first time in the history of gemkind, Steven uses essence from all the Diamonds to bring a shattered gem Back from the Dead. Until then, shattering was treated as a gem getting Killed Off for Real - so Steven resurrecting Jasper is nothing short of a miracle.
  • The fact that Jasper respects Steven enough to call him "My Diamond" after he defeated her is both awesome and terrifying.

Homeworld Bound

  • The Zircons are apparently running for office on Homeworld (implicitly with plans to become the new leaders now that the Diamonds are essentially retired). Given the fact that they were originally just small-time lawyers, this is pretty awesome.
    • Heck, just the fact that Defense/Blue Zircon is running for office and has her own supporters is pretty awesome. Remember, she took on a hopeless case, pretty much won, and stood up to the Diamonds. Homeworld would do well with her as leader.
  • As horrifying as it was, the fact that Steven managed to Mind Rape and potentially almost perma-kill White Diamond, the most powerful being in the setting, shows the levels in badass he took about as much as shattering Jasper.

Everything's Fine

  • There's something terrifyingly awesome (and awful) in seeing a realistic mental breakdown portrayed in a children's cartoon, and on its main character to boot. People praise Steven Universe for showing gay marriages and whatnot, but they don't get enough credit for the really painful stuff as well.

I Am My Monster

  • It's rather horrific, but Steven's corrupted form is so large and powerful, several orders of magnitude greater than even Pink Steven, that no one, not even the Diamonds can stop him for long.
    • And how is Steven's most powerful form represented? He's Godzilla, King of the Monsters.
  • Peridot now has such precise control of her metal powers that she can "pilot" an armor-clad Bismuth in flight. The two swoop in and score a hit on Corrupted Steven right after he defuses Alexandrite, providing a much-needed distraction.
  • Lapis once again shows how absurdly powerful she is for a single, non-Diamond Gem, using her water powers to restrain Corrupted Steven for some time (long enough for all three Diamonds to arrive and try using their powers on him). The only other entity that was shown to keep him confined for so long was the Cluster.
  • Right when all seems lost, the Cluster emerges to hold off Corrupted Steven. Even it couldn't keep him in check forever, but it bought the others enough time to realize what they needed to do. And even after being defeated, it still holds itself together enough to join the Group Hug at the end, and then some. The last we see of it is when it is holding Steven and his friends above the water, and it is never stated how long it took for Steven to wake up so it could have been a few minutes or it could have been a few hours.
  • When Garnet mentions that they need to reach into Steven and bring out his humanity, Amethyst is once again the only person who gets to the real heart of the matter to highlight just how much they screwed up.

    Amethyst: (sigh) You know who'd be great at that?

    Everyone: Who?!

    Amethyst: STEVEN!

  • Greg's refusal to run away from the conflict for the sake of his son, despite Amethyst's insistence that he do so.
  • Connie's Rousing Speech to the Gems, which shakes them out of their shame and self-pity.

    Connie: Yes, you hurt him, but this isn't the time to make this all about you! That is not helping! Maybe Steven would care about how sad you are, because he always puts everyone else's feelings first! But he can't do that for you right now, because he needs us this time! We all had Steven when we needed him, but the only person who's never had Steven is Steven. He's always been there for us, so... how can we be there for him now?

  • After saving the universe, after putting everyone else's needs over his own, after loving everyone else without asking for anything in return for so long, everyone, EVERYONE finally comes back to save Steven.

    Garnet: Steven, when I fell apart, you were there for me. I want to be there for you now. I'm here, Steven. I'm here.

    Lapis: This is working? You hear us? Steven!

    Spinel: (wraps her arms around the entire group)

    Greg: I'm here, Schtu-Ball! Whatever you need, I'll make it happen! You hear me?!

    Peridot: Steven! You never gave up on me for reasons I don't understand! I'll do the same for you!

    Amethyst: I know you feel bad! Believe me, I get it! Sometimes it feels like you're never gonna like yourself but... (sniffs) It's possible, man!

    Pearl: Steven, I know how awful it feels to keep a part of yourself secret! You shouldn't have to hide anything from me!

    The Cluster: (emerges from the water to hold Steven's hand)

  • The fact that The Power of Love conquered a kaiju-size corrupted Gem monster. Special mention goes to Connie jumping off of Lion, landing on Corrupted Steven's nose and talking to him face-to-face.

    Connie: (sighs) Steven... you must have been so afraid to show us this side of yourself. But we're not going anywhere. We're all gonna take care of you the same way you take care of us. You know what? I don't have your powers, but... (kisses him)

The Future

  • It's mentioned in passing that Steven has finally been seeing a therapist.
    • For a dose of subtle awesomeness: there is a psychologist in this universe talented enough to successfully help Steven through his issues, especially considering the long and altogether really weird list of problems he's had to deal with. That therapist earned their degree if all that they can handle.
  • At long last, after all the trials and tears, the suffering and the anguish, by leaving his home, and us, probably forever, Steven is finally fulfilling the greatest potential he always had within himself: To change.
  • And, listening to the closing theme as it sends him off, we finally realize that he's also fulfilling what his mother wished the most for him: To be a human being.
Steven Universe: Future - TV Tropes (2024)


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